Did you know our parish is one of the largest in the Diocese of Wilmington? Our mission is “Growing a welcoming community of disciples through participation in the sacraments, service, prayer and ongoing formation.” Every ministry, every committee is important. We sure can use your help in building the Kingdom of God.
The Lord calls each of us to serve. Please prayerfully take the opportunity to truly discover within yourself what God may be calling you to do within in the various dynamics of our Catholic Parish. Call the Parish Office for more information.
Gifts of Serving at Mass: Do you love to read God's Word or want to assist in serving the Holy Eucharist at communion? Do people often tell you that you are gifted musically? Do you enjoy serving the priest during mass? Do you want to help clearing and cleaning of the vessels of the Eucharist? Then consider volunteering in our Liturgical Ministries.
Gifts of Evangelization and teaching: If you enjoy learning about our faith, teaching children or sharing your faith with others, consider joining a Teaching Ministry as a Catechist in the Parish Religious Education Program, volunteering at Vacation Bible School or assisting in the RCIA Program. Please contact Lara Ballintyn at 302-994-7757.
Gifts of Outreach Service and Hospitality to Others: Do you like meeting and serving those who are in need and making them feel welcome? Then consider joining of our Outreach Ministries. Click here for more information: Outreach Ministries.
Gifts of Church Greeting and Hospitality: If you enjoy meeting new people and attend weekend masses consider joining the Parish Church Ushers and or Hospitality Ministry. Ushers help and assist all congregants in finding a seat in addition to bringing up the offertory at the directed time of the liturgy. The Hospitality Ministry greets and open doors for congregants and hands out bulletins in addition to setting up and being present at Hospitality Sunday events. Please call the Parish office at (302) 999-0211 for more information.
Gifts of Coaching and Youth Athletics: The Athletic Association presents a yearly program emphasizing family involvement and sportsmanship. Volunteer to coach/ assist.
Gifts of Music: Join St. John the Beloved Parish Music Ministry. Click to learn more.