Children in the second grade are prepared ahead of time through a joint of effort. The school teachers and Religious Education catechists will instruct the children on the sacrament during class. Families will also be given materials in order to continue discussion and preparation at home. Parent/guardian meetings are held in the fall. The celebration of First Reconciliation is held in December. The preparation program is under the direction of the Office of Faith Formation. The Office of Faith Formation will communicate all important information to families using Flocknote. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 302-994-7757 or at [email protected].
If you are a parishioner but your child does not attend St. John the Beloved School or Religious Education program, please contact the Office of Faith Formation so that we can include your child in the preparation process.
Sacramental Resource: Catechism of the Catholic Church